In 2019, Messrs Witfontein X28 (Pty) Ltd., owner and developer of the area, appointed VIP Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd to investigate, plan, design, obtain sanction from the various authorities and supervise the construction of the upgrading of the intersection between road No. P68-1 (R23) and road No. D1132 (3rd Avenue). The intersection upgrade includes inter alia the widening of Bridge No. 2808, in order to comply with the requirements of the traffic impact study and Traffic Master Plan. Bridge B2808 is situated on 3rd Avenue, approximately 100m west of the interesting centrelines of 3rd Avenue and the R23.
Part of the Riverfields Developmental Zone upgrades, the Pomona bridge, crossing the Pomona Spruit had to be widened. In order to minimise the cracking and movement at the interface with the existing bridge structure, it was decided to construct the new structure using the same configuration as the old structure. This proved challenging due to the old bridge design and environmental challenges by tying into the existing bridge.